Friday, March 25, 2005

Today's Peeve - Bored Sh*tless

I'm bored sh*tless. Its Good Friday and be it a conspiracy to get people to church or just so people will sit down in the quiet and think about God or something, there just isn't anything interesting to watch on tv. Even cable has joined the conspiracy - they are showing repeats of documentaries and travel shows. Urgh...

But I've been amusing myself... took a nap after lunch eventhough I only woke up at 12. I blame Mom. She unknowingly tried to poison me buy using MSG-rich sauce she bought from the market to cook lunch. All that bull-sh*t about MSG not being bad for you is rubbish. Being hyper-sensitive to it, MSG makes my eyes tear, nose run, eyes puff and throat constrict. Hence I had to sleep it off - and hope that I would wake up.

Before the day was over, I had finished two full UK magazines, read all the usual blogs and websites I frequent, watched 1 DVD and a feature film in the cinema - Miss Congeniality 2 (hey, I was bored, k.) So I actually did accomplish a lot. But why the heck do I still feel so bored?

Well, about Ms Congeniality. Don't watch it if you have a choice. But its alright for its toilet humour and it does have a happy ending in the end. That should cheer anyone up.Posted by Hello

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