Monday, March 07, 2005


Perhaps I'm looking out for it. Or perhaps its just too common in our society today. But there seem to be many couples torn apart because of infidelity.

Mind you, do not jump to the conclusion that only Men are capable of unfaithfulness. That is a myth because Women can be as guilty of it.

I realised that it is the more affectionate couples who are broken up by 3rd parties. Why is this so? Is it because all affection becomes mundane and trying after time? So much so that people seek a way to take a break from it? Perhaps. Maybe thats why most infidelity cases I've come across have gone on for some time. Its not that the "cheater" has ceased to love the "cheatee", but perhaps, he's just looking for a break, or maybe a way out.

I can never understand unfaithfulness. How can 2 people get together without accepting that they are giving each other the full commitment of a lifetime? That they are accepting each other as they are and hence giving up all that is out there?

Don't you just hate to see the "ideal" couple you know end their marriage? Sigh...

Cest La Vie.
Posted by Hello

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