Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Miss Singapore Universe?

Nadya - a fine piece of work.

You know there is something wrong with the Miss Singapore Universe pageant this Saturday when the hosts are prettier than the contestants.

Nadya Hutagalung and this model called Catherine Ong are the hosts, and baring Gurmit - they are a pretty lot.

Singapore women are better than the selection we have on stage this Saturday. Its just that most Singapore women have better dignity (and jobs) rather than vie for the title. Of course, there is always a career after that as an oil-broker, look at Rachel 'hide those teeth' Lee. It goes to show that you don't need qualifications to be an oil-broker, just big boobs and the ability to make men give you what you want for the chance that you will sleep with them (which may or may not happen).

And whats with the names of the contestants? Can't they think of more 'normal' sounding names. Who has heard of Blyss, or Swyn (Swine?). Names need consonants damnit!

Sorry for the rant. Woke up on the wrong side of bed today.Posted by Hello

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