Monday, March 28, 2005

Dodgy TV

If you can't sleep...

Did you know that if you turn on the tv to Channel 8 or U after 2am in the morning, you'll probably get to see a dodgy chinese film being shown?

Dodgy because its the closest you'll ever get to seeing something mildly pornographic being shown on national tv in Singapore. Its usually a poorly made movie from the 80s, with sexual acts against women being part of the main theme of the film. Hence the plot usually revolves around one of these:

1. Prostitution
2. Something about female ghosts, ala the succubus
3. Gangsters
4. Psychos
5. Innocent women - who are guillible and tricked.

They also always have some form of cheesy saxophone music that comes on before the act. The acting is usually terrible, but once in awhile you'll recognise a now-famous face. Well, I guess that many actors in HK do start out by starring in Cat IIb films.

Oh well, what to do? Its either that or Days of Our Lives. You see, thats the bad thing about not having cable in the bedroom... Ha.

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