Saturday, March 26, 2005


Singaporeans are generally a paranoid bunch. Perhaps this is due to living in a Socialist state where State-sponsored spying is far from being an urban myth. This usually results in self-censorship of some kind. We watch what we say, who we say to, and where we say it at. We think, hey, if even the newspaper reporters (who are supposed to be the voice of the nation) have to do it, why not us?

The reason why I'm typing this is because I just read a post on the blog of someone I've recently got to know (better?). Bloggers don't usually start out their blogs to be broadcasted to random people. Its usually a quiet collection of thoughts to be shared within close friends. But sometimes things happen and you end up being a mrbrown or a xiaxue. Then you gain a following of people you don't know and you become famous and get a column in a daily newspaper. But I digress...

The point of concern is the area in-between being a private blog for close friends and being a famous public blog. It is in this area where we inadvertately think we should censor what we write, just in case we offend someone - who is not entirely random, but who we meet, but not consider friends, yet.

I say screw it. Write what you want. A few reasons. Firstly, cos if this new guy/gal takes offense to your online persona, then he is not worth your time anyways. Secondly, if he cannot understand that there is a difference at times between someone's online persona and real-life, then he's a ignorant moron and not worth your time.

So write what you want. And if anyone judges you for it, then tell them to take a walk...

P.S. I started this blog as an online diary of sorts. To write what was on my mind at the moment without bothering about whether someone was taking offence. It will stay that way. Ha. Posted by Hello

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