Thursday, March 03, 2005

Incestuous TV

Its been years since I’ve watched one of those drama serials put up by Channel 8. Remember when we were young (and before the days of cable) that we could stop doing homework at 9pm so that we can catch The Unbeatables, or any of the other offerings that came after it?

Since my Dad’s out of town, Mom has gotten quite bored at night. No one to talk to. Its heartwarming cos even after 26 years of marriage, these 2 people still miss each other so much that you can actually see it in their eyes (or in Dad’s case, his emails).

So, Mom has been watching TV. Which was amazing for B1 and I because for once, Mom actually wrestled for control of the TV remote. In my 24 years of existence, that has never happened.

She’s been excited by this show on TV. You Are the One or something. Its about 3 single sisters and the men in their lives. Yes, it’s a cheap propaganda shot by the Gahmen again – encouraging us singles to get married and make babies.

But I’ll make babies when I want to k? Keep your nose out of my bedroom. And who says we need to get married? Any decent looking man get make babies on a Saturday night if you go to the right places. But I digress…

So we’ve resigned to watching it. And I must admit that its getting quite interesting. Its interesting for Mom because its all about love and the quiet kick one gets from knowing the whole picture and seeing the characters making mistakes because they don’t… It’s interesting for me because I know that in the end, the 3 sisters will get married at the same time to the 3 lead males. (cheesy ending isn’t it?)

The fun part is, that the 3 sisters have rotatingly dated the 3 men at one time or another. Like a game of musical chairs. Hasn’t Mediacorp seen the potential bomb its sitting on? Can you imagine that, oh, I’ve slept with my brother-in-law before he married my sister.

How bloody incestuous!

That’s where I get my joy from watching the show. Its bad acting, and even worse Mandarin. No wonder we are employing newscasters from China. There is a glimmer of light in that show though. Chen Soong Ling. She’s an actress from Hong Kong. Love her eyes.

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