Tuesday, April 05, 2005

When Reality Hits...

What do you do when life gets too much to bear? When you feel the need to get out of this reality, even for a brief moment, just to regain control of your sanity?

Do you...

1. Watch a movie, or veg in front of the tv. Looking at lives that aren't yours, and most likely, aren't real.

2. Have a drink, as alcohol numbs the brain.

3. Take a trip to somewhere, a beach resort, Europe, to live a different life even if its just for a week.

4. Retreat into a quiet space, with only you, yourself and a good book.

5. Do psychotropic drugs, which provide an alternative way to looking at things. Blue walls become pink and lizards become 3 feet long.

6. Have a cup of tea, and stare into space. Not thinking, not caring of anything that happens around you.

7. Sleep. When you brain shuts off but you can still go anywhere you want to go in your dreams.

8. ...

What do YOU do when life gets too much to bear? I was thinking about this as I was having a cup of tea late last night. Staring into the sky and the quiet of my estate. The air was still and most of the lights were off.

Me? Nothing beats a cup of tea.

1 comment:

Titania said...

I lie on the bed and weep on my pillow till my tears run dry. Apart from that, I will sit in front of the TV and watch DVD after DVD of Friends. Television is a good medicine.