Monday, April 18, 2005

A Collection of Thoughts

Rench msn-ed me last night to remind me to watch what I say on the Blog cos of the incident of the PSC scholar being screwed righteously after passing certain 'comments' on his. The worrying thing is that his blog was 'private' and password protected but still its contents went public in a forum. Scary.

I have nothing to write today, partially cos I'm moderating myself, so here's a collection of what random things went through me head during the hours of 11am - 3pm today. This might bored you. So feel free to close the window.

1. Wonder if Shan is doing ok... she's starting something new today.
2. Wonder if Ed is alright at his new job. He's started today as well.
3. Ruud scored twice for Man U last night. My dad can be Alex Fergerson already. His most common advice as a living room coach is to always telling the strikers to 'just whack' whenever the goal is in sight. Apparently it has worked for Ruud.
4. Need to open the Recruit pages.
5. Why is my gluteus maximus aching?
6. Where is my Top Gear CD?
7. Hungry, need to forage for food.
8. Wonder if there is a new Pope yet? Time to watch the Beeb.
9. Haven't seen Su and gang in awhile. Should call them.
10. Need to do that thing for Rench later.
11. Nice new blogs linked by brown, miyagi and cowboy. Interesting reads.

This is like a list of things I have to do today. Haha. Sorry for wasting your time.

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