Friday, April 22, 2005


I've been quite vocal about religion since certain incidents in my life. For example getting dumped by the someone I loved because her cell-group said that I was dragging her to hell (cos I didn't believe in her God). I think they also said something along the lines of, "Why spend mortal time with him if you guys are going to be apart in eternity?"

How Poetic.


Anyway, since then its been looking at things through a different lens and inevitably being very critical about religious practices and fanatism. I know this is uncalled for, more so because I am half-Taoist and we have even MORE weird and out-of-this-world rituals. But... its become so fun its hard to stop. It does help if you have friends who are able to laugh and add on to your blasphemy.

Its like how when RC and I were in Vienna and one of the Kings had collected a vial of Mary Magdalene's milk. It was prominently displayed in the Cathedral for all and sundry to see, much like Buddha's tooth in Thailand. Upon leaving the exhibit, RC and I were walking out and he suddenly said in all seriousness, "I wonder if it's cheese by now?"

Lightning has a 4m kill radius. So you might like to walk away from me. You have been warned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey... you've got to admit, that comment was logical yar. No anti-religious intention in that. think, just as MM Lee (Bless his soul and may peace be upon his name) has to be subjected to the tyranny of death and decay, so does milk. whoever's milk it might be.

so ISD (or any fervent religious members of the public) please don't get too upset over these remarks. I am just trying to be logical and pragmatic. hey... isn't that what the government wants us to be?