Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bush Whacking

How to know your Commander-In-Chief is a moron.

You can just imagine him saying, "Oh yes, I see it now..."

Can you believe this guy is in-charge of the world's largest nuclear arsenal? Die lah. Posted by Hello


JT said...

That's fantastic!

On the plus side if Busho can't use binoculars then there's no way he'll be able to figure out how to launch the nukes...

rench00 said...

thankfully, you do need quite a few people to concur that a nuclear strike is necessary before one is actually launched. oh wait... rice is one of those few people... hmm... ok la... she is intelligent and all... but i felt a lot safer when Powell was in that position. ah well... let's hold our breaths for another 3.5 years...

jasmi said...

"Iraq is a dark place.."

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Jackal> I fear he goes... "Ooh.. BIG RED Button!" and pushes something wrong. Ha.

Rench> Yes, lets sleep in fear for the next 3.5.

Jasmi> Ha! Never saw it that way! Its dark partially because of the secrets that are hidden in it too.