Monday, April 11, 2005


I bought my first toy in many many years. I was walking around a shopping centre, waiting for a friend who was horribly late when I chanced upon Stikfas.

I think its a toy designed for men who haven't really grown up. It reminded me of Lego - which was popular at the time I was growing up, but its not Lego cos it has joints like normal humans have, and its more gutsy, in samurai, ninja or legionnaire models.

Can't seem to put it down, it sits on my computer table and I keep altering its poses. Ha. The bad thing about this is that you can't just get ONE. It seems lonely and in-active.

WARNING: I think its addictive. So be careful if you are going out to get one for yourself. Available in good toys shops and online here. Posted by Hello

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