Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Drink Dialing

I drunk dialed last night. Or did I not? Alright, this is where it gets confusing.

It was drunk dialing cos I had some wine whilst watching Jaime Oliver.
It was drunk dialing cos normally I wouldn't do such a thing whilst sober.
It was drunk dialing cos I did it as I was lying in bed, head spinning around.


It wasn't drunk dialing cos I wasn't drunk.
It wasn't drunk dialing cos I didn't call, I just sent an sms.
It wasn't drunk dialing cos it wasn't to an Ex asking her to take me back or that I loved her et cetera.

Oh well. I was thinking of something someone said to be earlier that night. And after lots of pondering, with consultation with Jaime, some lions from Ch11, and Tiger Woods on Ch24, I came to the conclusion that she was right. I had to let her know there and then. Hence drunk dialing???


Unknown said...

and the result?

Rambling Alcoholic said...

I don't know. Will find out later. Ha.