Monday, April 04, 2005

Good Advice

Punky was right.

Some people say that bloggers have no life, and hence live out their lives online. Punky disagreed and she was right. I've spent the weekend being a kai-lan at home, and hence have nothing to blog about, besides a time-stamped breakdown of the death of the Pope, courtesy of the Beeb.

On the need for self-censorship on the blog. I got a call from an old friend who lives in the UK today. He is an old friend because he is old. And hence does not usually get onto the Internet. But still he complimented me on my blog. WTF? How did he know the address? Damn Singapore, and its 3 degrees of seperation... Not that I mind that he reads it. Its just that I wonder how far it has gone. I just hope not far, and that people in Bristol don't find out about it.

Punky had written about watching what she wrote on her blog due to an influx of new readers. I advise her against it. Saying that it should be a personal space for expression. Need to go get ketchup now, to mask the taste of my foot as I put it in my mouth.

P.S. If you are the person who told the Old Man, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Trust me... it's gonna spread. How slow or how fast is a different story... especially since you just started linking. :D

Anonymous said...

heh heh, i told you so ... :P