Monday, February 14, 2005

The Silence of the Night

The loneliness time for a person must be those moments where you lay in bed, before drifting into sleep. Your mind goes all over the place and you can start thinking of really silly things. For an insomniac like me, these moments are especially long. But there are many ways around this problem. Well, one can make full use of the day, or exercising, with the idea that by making oneself physically tired, one drifts to sleep faster thus limiting the time when your mind wanders.

Others find it easier to keep the television or radio on, till fatigue takes over and sleep comes automatically. This method involves distracting your mind from thinking, so silly thoughts don’t appear.

Another method involves the use of comfort objects. More commonly known as busuk-busuk in Malay, this method works by comforting the soul, and providing perhaps an unconditional sense of security that familiarity gives.

Or you can try intoxicants. By numbing one’s mind through alcohol or nicotine, you just don’t think. You just want to shut off.

Sometimes, its just not the same. Its different when you have that someone special sleeping next to you. When you are not alone in bed anymore. But sometimes, situations are beyond our control.

That’s why we need to heal. We need friends and family to support us, to tell us in unspoken words that we are not alone. But then again, they can’t be around all the time. That’s when the loneliness time is when you are alone in bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you will find that someone one day. =)
serious, not trying to sound preachy but some one better. =)

maybe at times, we are so busy wanting that we have forgotten why we wanted them in the first place.

what do we do after we get them? haha, i usu ignore them and only look at them now and then... =)