Sunday, February 06, 2005

How To Know Its Over

Time for another list. How to tell when its over between the 2 of you.

1. When she starts addressing you by your first name. Or worse, by your last.
2. When the first conversation you had in weeks lasts only 15mins (on MSN) and involves only pleasantries. Then she says she has to go off to do some reading – on a Saturday afternoon at 4pm.

3. When it takes days for her to reply your smses to have a good week – or worse, no reply at all.

4. And the reply is always the same. She’s been busy.

5. When she says thank you for the small things you do, that she wouldn't have thanked you for before.
6. When your friends send word that TNG (The New Guy) has been spending nights in her room, that they had been sneaking off into the night… et cetera.

7. When your sweet innocent brother (unwittingly) sends you photos of her together with TNG.

You see, how not to think the worse of people? I think I need to know when to give up.

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