Sunday, May 15, 2005

Thumping Thumper

Its official, I'm deaf.

Long story. Where do I start? Hmm...

I was at a hen party last night. Why was I, a male at a hen party you might ask. Well, there is the simple answer and the complicated answer. The simple answer is that because I've known the girls for so long, I'm kinda considered one of them. Trust me, I can be so camp sometimes that I even scare myself. Haha...

The complicated reason... well, lets not get into that.

Anyway it was a lovely party, with us reminiscing about the past, and having fun at the bride's expense. Jo and Su made her a hen suit, complete with feathers that she had to wear for most of the night. That was till it came off only for her to put on the lingerie that we bought for her. (However, the most priceless look was when she took out the vibrator - bear in mind this is a nice girl who is a primary school teacher by profession. Ha!)

Anyway, cocktail party and chocolate fountain over, we adjourned to Thumper. Saw Brenda in person. And lets just say I think she is really photogenic.

The rest of the night was spent on the dance floor, and I surprised myself with the moves I could do once I had some champagne and lots of wine in me. Haha. One of the gals got hit on, by some sleazy man who wanted to take pictures of with her.

The crowd in Thumper is more fun, albeit sleazier. Having loads of half drunk models there does help add to the fun factor. Its also spiced up by loads of eye-candy in hotpants girls who are just want to have fun. Gosh, the way they move... *nose bleed*
However, the sleaze factor comes in with the expatriate men who look lecherously at those said girls writhing on the dance floor, waiting to make their move as they sashay their way up behind them and start gyrating their thrusted hips. Oh, having women there that are looking for some "action" doesn't help. Actually, the latter puts the other women at risk, cos there is the likelihood of painting all the girls in Thumper with a broad brush.
Anyway, I woke up feeling very woozy and surreal. Oh, and I'm deaf cos I was standing next to one of the speakers for most of the night. Good thing its a Sunday. Back to bed...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i have never attended a hen party .... i think i would weep with joy for the other party, i always feel like weeping at weddings especially if the people involved are close to me. i am sucha crybaby.