Monday, May 16, 2005


Gahmen kena kan. Quotes from Steve Wynn's article in the Sunday Times yesterday.

"There's an awful of of control and direction in the documents we've recieved which, frankly speaking, is unsophiticated. It's control and direction given by people who've never done this before. I don't think its appropriate to tell someone: Give us an attraction that's irresistible, that will reach India and China - but we'll tell you how to design it."

"And if someone does something that's offensive, you reject it, plain and simple. But don't tell an expert how to do an expert's job. You ask."

"Don't issue thunderbolts of wisdom from atop Mount Olympus. Both sides have to be flexible."

Mr Wynn, Welcome to Creative Singapore.


sa said...

my sentiments. The thing is that, expressions carry weightage only if it comes from reputable persons. (dammit..heh) so, good thing this comes from the expert - the king of resorts in Las Vegas etc.

R2D2 said...

Will the gahmen listen? I doubt it.

(Forgive me, but I'll link you up today.)

Rambling Alcoholic said...

No, no, Bastard (haha - no offence), please go ahead. =)