Monday, May 30, 2005

Dora's Wedding

This weekend was all about Dora. And her wedding to Aaron. She's a classmate from JC and the first of our posse to walk down the aisle. The rest will soon follow. Sorry Gentlemen, most of the girls in this picture are spoken for already. Tough luck.

Anyway, attending the wedding was a very surreal experience. I mean, she is the first of my close friends to get hitched. Which could explain why I am in a state of disbelief. Jo's next, then YJ, and then perhaps Chris and ChernWei... Its surreal also cos its like everyone's growing up, and perhaps in a few years, we would not be meeting in clubs anymore, but rather at Sixth Avenue CoffeeBean on a Sunday afternoon after church, with kids in tow.

I've also realised the sheer number of people one needs to organise a wedding. The event coordinator, the ushers, the music and sound people, etc. A lot. I'm worried I don't have enough 'good friends' to help me with it. Aaron's church literally mobilised itself to run his show. So it was all good. I'm also worried that because most of my friends are women, I wouldn't have enough 'brothers' to do the challenges at the bride's door with. Completely irrational I know... And completely pointless to worry about it now.

Anyway, we stayed on in the couple's hotel room till late. Nao Dong Fang lah. And to have a few drinks. Hope we didn't get them too tired to do the necessary. *snigger*

Today's Peeve

Music = Good
Letting people know you have good knowledge of website and/or html/ Java skills = Good.
A combination of both = Bad

Today's peeve revolves around those sites who have background music playing when you open them. Its nice I know, to have a tune to set the mood for the site, like this one. But when it means I have to turn off the music playing on my Mediaplayer just to view the site (or suffer the inappropriate mixing of gung-ho kung fu music to mix beat tunes), then I'm sorry lor, I'll just close the window.

Why oh why? Irritating.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Soapy Wonderland

Uncensored photo of a chimpanzee taking a bath.

WARNING: This is a very boring post. If you have something better to do than to read something totally about 'nothing' and 'empty', please go do it. Haha.

Sorry for not blogging in awhile. Life has been quite hectic this past week. What with, job interviews, friends from America being in town, Theodora's wedding this weekend, new games recently purchased for the Playstation, spending 'alone' time with The Girlfriend et cetera.

This results in many late nights out this week. I am knackered, man.

Anyway, back to the post. I was taking a very late night (or very early morning) shower 2 nights ago and I thought to myself... hmm... soap suds are very relaxing. I realised that I like huge amounts of suds when I shower. Its because I feel 'cleaner' somehow when everything foams up... I like to think its all the day's dirt, grim and oil being caught up in the foam... Its just not the same if you rub soap over you and there is no lather, it feels like washing the dishes without detergent. In fact, I like suds so much that Mother always complains that everytime after I shower, I leave the bathroom walls with white splatter of suds.

I like suds. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

Missed a HideOut

Its so weird, almost every blog I'm reading about today is about the informal Bloggers meet-up at the Hide-out last night. Its odd also because everyone is putting up the same mosiac-faced picture and talking about Mr Miyagi's sick tummy. Damn it, should have gone as well. Too bad I was at Zouk watching Kumar strutting his act for Guinness Live. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Public Service Announcement

Err... Fill 'er up?

Brudder Gavin just came back from a road trip to KL. Hope he had fun. However he ran into a 'situation' at the petrol kiosk in Johor. Here's what happened.

Gav arrived at the petrol station and wanted to fill up with 92 Octane petrol. Well, he was driving a rental and so who cares right? But lo and behold, the pump gun for the 92 couldn't fit into the hole of his KIA for some reason. It was too big. So lan lan, must pump 97. Ne'ermind.

Thats the beginning of the farce. He wanted to pump 15 ringget. But for some reason the attendant filled up 50 ringget. Ne'ermind. So the station said they would take the petrol out of the car. Off they drove to the service ramp.

You would think that someone would take out a calculator and figure out how many litres 35 ringget was right? No... The pump attendant had to take a pail, pump out 35 ringget worth of petrol and mark it with masking tape. Ne'ermind. As long as they like right?

So the petrol was drained. Gavin said it was not accurate (or safe) because as we all know, petrol is highly volatile so a lot of it probably evaporated in the draining process. Ne'ermind. Give them lah.

But what took the breath out of him was that after draining, the attendants opened the valve leading to the underground tank and dumped all the petrol back in! Gavin had pumped different brands along the way, with different additives and more importantly, all 92 Octane. By doing what they did, they had effectively fouled the whole underground tank! What the...

Eh, next time you guys pump petrol in M'sia. Think about it eh?

Ever Seen Snails Mating?

Ever wonder where baby snails come from?

I was doing my daily chores (which include watering the jungle of a backyard) yesterday when I chanced upon an orgy of snails doing the nasty. So intrigued I was that I had to take a photo and put it on the Net.


My darling girlfriend: "Dear! Where? I want to see! *rushes to put down the dishes she was doing halfway*"

Me: "Err.. Don't worry dear, take your time. They are snails and they won't go anywhere fast"

My darling girlfriend: "How come they do it that time so slow one?"

Me: ?!?!?! (I think she was expecting vigorous thrusting?)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Vivian Hsu

My dear friend Monica just sent me a one of Vivian's new songs. Monica was also quite amazed by the fact that this singer is 30 but doesn't look as if she has aged one bit. Who cares eh? She is hotness - defined. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Mommy Dearest...

My mom is a real dear. Pops and her are off to Taipei for 6 days. Its a massive family holiday. Massive because all of my Dad's brothers are going. So 12 people on a free and easy tour of Taipei. I hope Taiwan is prepared for the family. They are all loud, noisy, big-sized individuals with tempers and appetites to match their sizes. This is going to be fun... to watch... haha...

Anyway, I digress. Mom is so worried that B1 and I would starve that she woke up this morning and cooked enough lunch and dinner for several days. I mean, she knows that we have a food centre 5 mins from the house, and at last check, that we both are old enough to go out and get food if we are hungry, but that didn't stop her.

She's an amazing woman I tell you... I mean, this is the woman who has been waking up at 6am every morning for the last 4 decades of her life, run the house like a tight ship, and at the same time hold a stressful full-time job. I know this sounds Oedipus, but wouldn't I like to marry someone like her...

Monday, May 23, 2005


I'm sorry for the lack of posts, but its been a full long weekend, what with trips to JB and coupled with the fact that YJ's in town... will be back soon! Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Lin Chi Ling

I was doing a scan of the Top Referring Catchwords of my blog and found that Lin Chiling was one of them. She is insanely popular eh? Well, here's one more picture of her. A real woman this time. Heh. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

Watch What You Pull (Its a Boy Too!)

You might not believe this, but this is a man. Gentlemen, with specimens like these out there, watch what you pull in clubs tonight. Email me if you want to see the full picture. Posted by Hello

Its a Boy

I got this picture off Ron's site. She saw this kid when she was in Australia recently and says that this is a boy! I think his parents are confusing him a little too early... or is this proof that sexual orientation is something that we are born with? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Transport Hikes

Cost of travelling from Home to Driving Centre on Bus 70 = $1.13

Cost of travelling from Driving Centre to Home on Bus 70 = $0.63

Fix the !@#$# system and then you won't have to raise your fares lah!

The Orchard Road Gauntlet

Walking around Orchard Road has become a hazard. Walk down any stretch today and you risk getting hounded by all sorts of characters. Here's a rundown of the "obstacles" you will encounter and the best way to deal with them. Begin, the Orchard Road Gauntlet.

  • The Leaflet Pushers
People who await their prey at the end of escalators or at the doorways of buildings. They wait for you to come closer before shoving scraps of paper into your face. How to deal with them? Well they are not asking you to buy anything / commit to spending money, so take the pamphlet and read it. If you don't like what you see then dump the flyer at the next rubbish/recycling bin.

  • The Insurance Salesman
You can be walking down the road minding your own business when one of these people either jump (literally) up to you or tap you on the shoulder. Fight the urge to punch the poor sod in his face or scream, "Assault"! That's step one.

They usually start by asking you if you have protection or savings. I've realised the best way to get rid of them is by saying you already have a financial adviser from Prudential/GEastern/Aviva or any other reputable insurer and that you are covered. Do this as you have one hand raised infront of their faces and shaking your head without breaking stride. This usually works. Saying you have no money or savings usually bring up a new bevy of questions.

  • The Unlicensed Street Collector (this is the inspiration for this post)
A new and recently discovered anomaly. Taking advantage of the naviety and generosity of Singaporeans. Underdressed youths who try to get you to buy a "donation ticket" or an overpriced trinket by asking you to write your name down on some form - as if to create a false sense of legitimacy. They are usually representing some non-existent charity or cause. (today I got approached for some fictional job creation charity)

Ask to see their Charity registration number and the copy of the Street to Street Collection permit. The 16 year old girl I today showed me a Business Registration - I told her off for doing something illegal and she almost cried. She tried again by showing me a letter of award for the installation of manhole covers (no kidding) at Sentosa Cove. I asked what the relevance was. She couldn't answer.

After challenging them, they would usually shy away.

  • The Dumb Soft-Toy Seller
They come up to you with a fistful of toys and a B5 sized card stating their purpose. Point to your throat and pretend to be dumb too. Then walk away.

  • The Pretend Survey-taker aka MLM or Timeshare Seller
These hawks work in layers. That is, if you can scurry past one, you'll still get stopped by another. They also work using pressure tactics, so never give them the time of day.

Even if they just stop you to fill up a form - don't. You are just giving your personal information to an unscrupulous company who will pass it on to some direct marketing company. Then you get endless phone calls asking you to buy crap.

  • The School Children with Cans
They are like gnats in Summer- everywhere. Especially since now they are allowed to collect every Sunday and every Wednesday of the school holidays. However, they are usually legal so give or not is entirely up to you. My mother likens the first donation as the payment of a "protection" fee. Pay to get one of those stickers and they will leave alone for the rest of the day.

  • *NEW* The Credit Card People
Forgot about this one. Maybe its because I'm usually so shabbily casually dressed that they don't approach me. To get out of this one, just shake your head, and say, "I would love to, but I'm an undischarged bankrupt." Put on a mournful look and you'll be perfect!

I hope this helps you, the reader in getting out of the situation without having to waste 5 mins of your life listening to a sales pitch. If all else fails, then plug in your headphones as you take your stroll down Orchard Road, and put on the grumpiest face you can muster. That usually works for me...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My Jesus Will Forgive Your Jesus.

He would forgive this Jesus the small ways He tries, though His followers, to denigrate, isolate and diminish those who do not conform to His whims.

From this website. Courtesy of TYM.

As far as I can tell, the primary source of power for this group lies not in the teachings of Jesus, since what they do has little to do with that, but the simple fact that they feel they own Jesus, and have been reasonably successful in propagating the idea that their particular perspective on his teachings is both predominant and correct, neither of which is necessarily true. Nevertheless, by implicitly and explicitly claiming ownership of Jesus, these folks have made any attack on their agenda or their practices an attack on Jesus, using Him as a flak guard for policies and practices that would, frankly, appall this shepherd of all men.

Well, of course, these people don't own Jesus. He died for the sins of the whole world. Nor do they have a corner on the understanding of his words or his work. The Jesus I know and whose words I have read and striven to understand would not sign off on a much of the agenda of those who now parade Him around like a fetish, and in doing so have created this other Jesus, a vacuous, empty vessel for an uncharitable worldview. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005


Gahmen kena kan. Quotes from Steve Wynn's article in the Sunday Times yesterday.

"There's an awful of of control and direction in the documents we've recieved which, frankly speaking, is unsophiticated. It's control and direction given by people who've never done this before. I don't think its appropriate to tell someone: Give us an attraction that's irresistible, that will reach India and China - but we'll tell you how to design it."

"And if someone does something that's offensive, you reject it, plain and simple. But don't tell an expert how to do an expert's job. You ask."

"Don't issue thunderbolts of wisdom from atop Mount Olympus. Both sides have to be flexible."

Mr Wynn, Welcome to Creative Singapore.

Quotes of the Day

"I will bomb you flat" - A* Chairman Phillip Yeo, describing anyone who critiscises his actions.

"We can destroy you and other enemies and we will continue to seek your death and humiliation." Osama Bin Laden, in a message to the world after September 11. Read it in full here.

Cocked Up News from Around the World

For your bemusement.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Scholar's Rants. Interesting read from the other side.

Update: Plus its an answer to this post in Tommorrow.

TalkingCock says it that Phillip's comments has caused an increase in sex-change operations.

Kingdom of Heaven

This is a $7 movie.

With recent increase in prices of cinema tickets, there is new meaning to watching movies. More accurately put, we need to know whether the movie is worth us coughing out ten dollars to watch.

Kingdom of heaven was not such a movie. It was not unenjoyable, Orlando Bloom did well as an angst filled Knight who goes on to save the lives of thousands. And the movie was cleverly scripted such as to portray a balanced view of the results of Muslim and Christian fanaticism at that time.

However, my beef with it is that it was a too slow for a Ridley Scott piece. There were times where you just wanted to push them to get off the drama and get on with the action. There should have been more character development for the lead actress as well, rather than her having no lines for much of the latter part of the movie - and hence all the camera shots were of her looking forlornly into the distance with her kohl-lined eyes.

Well, its not a waste of your time, but watch it on a weeknight. Posted by Hello

Thumping Thumper

Its official, I'm deaf.

Long story. Where do I start? Hmm...

I was at a hen party last night. Why was I, a male at a hen party you might ask. Well, there is the simple answer and the complicated answer. The simple answer is that because I've known the girls for so long, I'm kinda considered one of them. Trust me, I can be so camp sometimes that I even scare myself. Haha...

The complicated reason... well, lets not get into that.

Anyway it was a lovely party, with us reminiscing about the past, and having fun at the bride's expense. Jo and Su made her a hen suit, complete with feathers that she had to wear for most of the night. That was till it came off only for her to put on the lingerie that we bought for her. (However, the most priceless look was when she took out the vibrator - bear in mind this is a nice girl who is a primary school teacher by profession. Ha!)

Anyway, cocktail party and chocolate fountain over, we adjourned to Thumper. Saw Brenda in person. And lets just say I think she is really photogenic.

The rest of the night was spent on the dance floor, and I surprised myself with the moves I could do once I had some champagne and lots of wine in me. Haha. One of the gals got hit on, by some sleazy man who wanted to take pictures of with her.

The crowd in Thumper is more fun, albeit sleazier. Having loads of half drunk models there does help add to the fun factor. Its also spiced up by loads of eye-candy in hotpants girls who are just want to have fun. Gosh, the way they move... *nose bleed*
However, the sleaze factor comes in with the expatriate men who look lecherously at those said girls writhing on the dance floor, waiting to make their move as they sashay their way up behind them and start gyrating their thrusted hips. Oh, having women there that are looking for some "action" doesn't help. Actually, the latter puts the other women at risk, cos there is the likelihood of painting all the girls in Thumper with a broad brush.
Anyway, I woke up feeling very woozy and surreal. Oh, and I'm deaf cos I was standing next to one of the speakers for most of the night. Good thing its a Sunday. Back to bed...

Friday, May 13, 2005

We've Got Some Way to Go...

I was taking Bus Number 53 home from Bishan this afternoon but the bus was delayed for 15 minutes at the Interchange. The reason?

This girl had brought her Maltese up the bus. It was a cute little furry ball of fur, well behaved and in a basket. However, for some reason, the bus driver was quite insistent that the dog got off the bus. The girl was with her father, a burly but well dressed individual. The driver pulled up to the station office, where 2 'customer service' personnel boarded the bus and proceeded to kindly ask the dog-owners to get off the bus, stating that it was a 'policy' that no pets were allowed.

This sparked off a heated argument, with neither side giving way. The details will bore you, but it got me thinking...

In Europe, guide-dogs and toy dogs in baskets are allowed in buses and trains. As long as they are on leash and kept in check. Perhaps Singapore has some way to go before we are gracious and modern enough to allow pets. I do understand the driver's concerns, allegies, possible negligence suits if the dog bit someone... but come on, it was a maltese, and it was in a basket.

It also got me thinking about whether they should have taken the discussion off the bus so that the other passengers could get on with their lives. What do you think?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Weird Messages

Having friends in the social service / counselling profession can result in weird emails, and instant messages, especially if they think just because you've got a Law degree that you are some kind of de facto consultant on all things related to the law of the land.

This is what I got this evening.

Name-withheld-to-protect-the-innocent says:
hi hi...

Name-withheld-to-protect-the-innocent says:
hey, I have an unique case with me... something to check with you.... is having sex with your true mother an offence in sg?

And so what was I supposed to say? Besides the mind boggling over the implications of the question...

Yes! Its an offence under Section 376A of the Penal Code. Go check it out at Singapore Statutes Online.

Updates: Apparently the mother is in her 40s and the son in his 20s. Seriously, Oedipius Complex man. Now my friend wonders if she should call the police. What do you think?

Orgasm Day

In Today, today.

A Brazilian town is celebrating its first ever Orgasm Day. Celebrations include talks on importance of sex, contraception and of course orgasms.

The Mayor adds, "I think that the orgasm issue is a very important and modern one."


Well, you don't say.

Apparently, numerous studies have expounded the benefits of sex and orgasms. It reduces the incidences of dementia, heart disease, cervical and prostate cancer, et cetera.

So... What are you waiting for? Haha.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Got a Minute to Spare?

Read about Death. And think.

Oh What A Night !

I had dinner at somewhere past midnight last night. Why? Well, Mom had cooked dinner for me before a last minute engagement cropped up. And I figured, if Mom could spend time to cook dinner for one, the least I could do was to eat it.

And eat it I did. And that was the start of a roller-coaster of a night.

I must have had 3-4 dreams. Vivid dreams that I still remember. The first, was a nightmare, so real, so filled with people I know, and so bloody.

It was set in at a HDB block that vaguely looked like Lisa's. We were at the void deck talking, when we heard a loud scream. A girl had thrown herself off the third floor staircase landing (how did I know that? Dunno man.) and had fallen, face down in front of us. But she didn't die. With her face down and hidden under her arm, she screamed, "What am I going to do with the baby? I need to borrow money from strangers to get rid of it. Or what? Marry the father. How to find him?"

For some reason, Lisa and I did not immediately rush up to her aid. Perhaps it was because she was acting psycho. But I told Lisa to scribble her number on a piece of paper so this poor suicide girl could have someone to talk to. But as we approached her, she looked up at us, with yellowed jaundiced and bloodshot eyes, with blood running down the sides of her mouth and face and her jet black hair plastered with blood running down the front of her eyes. With a look of utter contempt, she picked up her arm and bit into it. Drawing more blood down the sides of her mouth. That was when I jumped up, shaking at the memory of the nightmare.

I couldn't sleep for awhile after that. But drift off I did. I had a few more dreams this morning. Including one where I got snatched-theft at Siglap whilst I was taking random photographs. Me attending a SDP political rally, which for some reason was attended by Teo Chee Hean, Vivian Balakrisnan and SM Goh. I think they were there for an open debate. The supporters at the rally were very rude to SM Goh during a debate about some issues, and for some reason, I whispered a suggestion into his ear which he took and calmed the floor. We later had a frank chat about politics before the peace was broken by some unruly constituents supporting the opposition started shouting that the PAP had lied over the IR. (much like the Brits protesting against Blair and the war)

SM Goh is a man I like. I think he is honest and real. Not unlike Dr Wee.

So anyway, I woke up when the protesters got rowdy and started typing this post. Sorry if I've bored you. Sheesh. Lesson learnt. No big meals before bedtime.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Breaking News!

From the newsroom:

Crawford, Texas (not AP) -

A tragic fire this morning destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. The fire began in the presidential bathroom where the books were kept.

Both of his books have been lost.

A presidential spokesman said the President was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.

Infantile Behaviour

For the child in us.

Maybe Singabloodypore was right. We, Singapore bloggers are infantile. Not in our writings - we are the most proficient users of the English language in Asia (really? well, according to CNA). But rather, in our understanding of the use of the blog and consquently the reading of the views of others with an open mind.

In recent weeks, we have all heard and felt sorry for the plight of Acidflask and that other PSC Scholar. But today I read about this. The poor boy was flamed about his views on NUS girls after FF wrote out against it.

I'm not saying we need to agree with all the things people say. But isn't it more mature to read it with an open mind, understand the other point of view, and perhaps agree to disagree?

We have waxed lyrical about the censorship laws of Singapore and how we fear Big Brother's watching what we say on our Blogs. But how is this different? We are effectively condemning ourselves as a community of bloggers by demanding self-censorship and the checking of our tongues. This is in the fear of getting flamed.

I agree with Miyagi-san that it's about writing responsibly. Hence you don't go around calling people names. But isn't it also about having a sense of humour too? What next? Mr Brown being labelled unpatriotic because he took the mickey at our Low Cost Terminal? Well, that might never happen because he is too popular- and in a sense powerful in Blogworld. He can make or break you, and we, as citizens have been conditioned never to go against the party in power (Well, also because Mr Brown is a nice guy).

So I say Singapore bloggers, it is not enough that we are advanced enough to have Tomorrow, our very own BoingBoing. We need to unite as a community and develop a sense of humour. To be able to laugh at ourselves and not take things too seriously nor personally.

We have a long way to grow, out of our infancy.

P.S> Ever wonder what is the point of flaming? Is it to get anger of your chest? Or is it to take it out on an online person - a non-metaphysical being - like a shadow? Or are we that vindictive that we want anything we do not like off the web? Its sad, really.

P.S2> FF has said that she wrote her post in jest too, but was taken wrongly by the readers. Apparently she stepped in to defend the poor boy not once, not twice but three times when he got flamed. Sorry, FF, I didn't read ALL the comments. You see, readers, you must apologise when you get the facts wrong, but not when you are just cracking a joke. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

More Cartoons

What did I just eat?

Cartoon taken off this site called explodingdog. A collection of inane but slightly addictive cartoons. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Bunny Suicides

A very funny website with rabbits who find ingenious ways to end their lives. This is one of them.

Link here. Posted by Hello

AcidFlask Strikes Back

The past few weeks in Blogsphere-Singapore has been abuzz with the talk of AcidFlask and his brush with A*Star and wonder aloud whether we can say anything at all anymore.

Redder has said something about it. And finds it ironical that our PM wants a more inclusive, discussive society.

And now, Acidflask has struck back. Eh, don't take silence as compliance alright? He was in the midst of his exams. To no surprise, he writes about some inaccurate news reporting and how words were used to lower his standing in the eyes of the reader (that is libel). For example, he is Chua, and not Mr Chua...

Read it. Acidflask will not go silently into the night.

Viva La Revolution!

Link Courtesy of Tomorrow.

Goodnight and Farewell

My Way - Frank Sinatra

And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I’ll say it clear,
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.

I’ve lived a life that’s full.
I’ve traveled each and ev’ry highway;
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried.
I’ve had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me,
I did it my way.

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!

I've finally taken down Eddy Neo's link from my blog. Finally come to terms that after a week, he will not be coming back and this was not a joke. Sigh... Oh well.

Coach Carter

There is something I really like about movies with the tagline, "Inspired by a true story." Coach Carter is one of them. I caught it this morning, when Ed called my 15mins before the movie to ask if I wanted to rush down.

It was an inspiring movie which gave me goosebumps at several parts whenever there was a good line or something life-changing happened to one of the characters in the movie. Somehow, because I constantly remind myself that this actually happened (albeit we are never told how much adaptation and how much Hollywood was added to a real story), it became less of a movie, but rather as if I was there, being one of the characters.

A friend of mine used to watch movies like that. Being one of the characters I mean. So somehow or other, she always cried in movies, even romantic comedies. That was quite a bitch if you know what I mean... always walking out of the cinema as if we've had a tiff or something.

So, anyway, its a good movie, great to watch if you are feeling lost in your life, or if you want to just feel good. Go catch it.

P.S 1> There is an Oriental in the Richmond team in the movie. He never plays and all he does is sit on the bench as a reserve and go, "Yo! Yo! Yo!" like a Black man whenever his team scores. Weird.

P.S 2> The post below is a line from the movie. Posted by Hello

What is Your Greatest Fear?

By Marianne Williamson from her book A Return to Love

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Inspiring. Courtesy of the Rench.

Friday, May 06, 2005


A creative piece, don't think too much...

She lies on her side, her head propped up by the pillow, her back arched. Her eyes are closed and there is a hint of a smile on her face. She is reliving the moment, her breath still raggered and her body is still shuddering from the throes of passion.

I rest my head on my arm. Looking at her fondly, I tell myself how beautiful she looks. I trace a finger across her curves. From her shoulders to the roundness of her breasts to the arch of her hips, right down to the giobes of her pert bum.

Spent, I have difficulty keeping my consciousness. I collapse... my eyes slowly close...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Top 10 Movies

These are the top 10 movies I should have watched but never got a chance to.

Link here. (NSFW)

Courtesy of CowboyCaleb.

Anyone Know?

Anyone knows what happened with Bubblemunche? He committed blogicide for some reason.

Somehow, I can't help but feel like I've lost a friend. I'm in denial. I'm like a dog scratching on its owner's grave, hoping he'll come back to life...

Ok, so I'm not scratching my computer screen, but I'm doing it by keeping his link on my blog, refreshing every now and then, hoping that all of this is a bad joke.

So, as the song goes, "Why, why tell me why..."

Anyone knows?

Currently Listening To...

Currently listening to an old Frank album I stumbled across... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

He Wonders...

My friend, Rench mourns the death of Dr Wee as well. But he also wonders aloud what will happen when the Father of Singapore moves on, as sure as we are mortal.

Read about it here.

Just make sure you don't quote him out of context k? He loves respects MM.

Run. Sweat. Run.

For some reason, I woke up at 7 this morning. As I sat in the local coffeeshop, having my kopi, eggs and toast, I looked up and saw my first sun rise in many months. It was beautiful, a reminder of how glorious a new day can be. For certain reasons my life had been covered by a dark pall over the past few months, but now that I've met Lisa, it seems as if the dark shroud has been removed.

So it was quite apt that she was sitting next to me at the coffeeshop, squinting and making comments about how the sun was getting in her eyes. Haha. =(

Anyway, after the breakfast had settled somewhat, I went for a good run. It was a good run because I ended up drenched in my own sweat. Fitness buffs would agree that there is nothing more rewarding that taking your top off and being about to wring your sweat into a puddle on the ground. Yes, disgusting as that might sound, it is oddly therapeutic.

Sunrise, good run, good start to the day. Off to do my chores now. Before Gavin comes over. =) Posted by Hello

Citizen Wee 1915 - 2005

"Take away the word President and I'm just Wee Kim Wee. An old man, like the next."

This is how Dr Wee should be remembered. Warm, real, and always having the time for the common man. The People's President.

As you said Sir, "Go with God". May you rest in peace. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005


I was bored in the afternoon and decided to do a few personality tests from Blogthings.

I know they are inaccurate and ridiculous, mainly because these tests do not tell you who you are, but who you think you are. Plus, on this site, the test is too short to be accurate. You need more control questions.

But hey, what to do? Bored mah.

Rubbish I

Your #1 Match: ESTJ

The Guardian

You're a natural leader and quick, logical decision maker.
Goals are important in your life, and you take many steps to achieve them.
You enjoy interacting with others, mostly through work related activities.
Your high energy level means you are great at getting things done!

You would make a great teacher, judge, or police detective.

Or a revolutionary, a terrorist or a despot.

Rubbish II

Your Seduction Style: The Coquette

You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get.
Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you.
Independent and self-sufficient, you don't need any one person to make you compelte.
And that independence is exactly what makes people pursue you.

The Ideal Man

Courtesy of Kim, who had a conversation with a wise old friend of ours.

From a conversation with Warden:

A woman's ideal man is not one who is the new-age sensitive man nor the one oozing of sheer manliness and testosterone. The new-age sensitive man might be too soft while a woman can sometimes only put up for so long as the mother figure in a patriach family.

Her ideal would be a man who would hold her hand, be sensitive and listen to her when she has problems. However, he would have to be able to stand up and protect her. He would be gentle and loving and attend to her every whim. But he must be able to firmly point out her mistakes when she has made one. Correcting her and yet making it gentle and constructive rather than being overly critical. He will make love to her rather than have sex unless she wants to be taken and ravished almost senseless.

Her ideal man has to embody both ends of the spectrum. To be sensitive or manly at the right time and the right place.
