Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Nail in the Coffin

Its may have happened to me several times before. But one can never get used to the feeling.

It feels as if someone has driven a hot nail through your heart, and you finally understand the meaning of the word gut-wrenching. Its like someone stuck his hand in your abdomen, and is twisting your intestines. Its a sickening feeling.

Once more, sleep does not come easy. You lie awake in bed, eyes closed, trying hard not to think. But inevitably, you start reminscing of happier times. You hug the pillow she had rested on, trying to extract the last drops of her essence. You convince yourself that it must be better this way, and all will fall in place in the grand scheme of things. You toss and turn, in denial that things were just not meant to be, but somewhere within, you know that you are just lying to yourself.

Someone at BloggersCon asked me why I started to blog. I replied that it was in response to a broken heart. Who knew that I would revisit this feeling of loss and pain so soon again? Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Once again. Lost to religion.

Religion 3

'Evil' Brandon 0

No wonder I am becoming agnostic.