Friday, July 22, 2005

Life Lessons Learnt from a Tortoise

As I stood in the stairwell of my office, taking a break and staring into the world outside, my brain numb from work, and my body aching for sleep, I couldn't help but reflect and contemplate on the meaning of life and all.
Then there it was. In the canal that my office overlooks. A tortoise, no larger than a box of tissue paper swimming against the flow of current of the water. It was a futile swim, because as hard as the little creature paddled, it was not moving from where its position, because the current nullfied its movement. Immediately, four thoughts came into my mind.
1. Ain't I glad I'm not it.
2. That as much as I hate my life now, there are others who have it worse than me. I should be grateful for what I have instead.
3. That life is a constant struggle, and sometimes, it just happens that we might not be moving forward even though we are paddling like crazy.
4. And that eventually, we either sink, drown and die, or make it to our destination. Its how hard we try. Give up and death is certain.
Break over, back to work. Posted by Picasa


Titania said...

That looks like me.

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Really? How so?