Wednesday, January 17, 2007


To my previous post...

Actually, how much of our lives do we actually control?

No man is an island by himself.

We are burdened with our responsibilities, shackled by our fears, tied down through relationships, confined by our aspirations...

Are we limited by the rat race that we lead?


Anonymous said...

Coming from the eternal optimist in me... let's try to flip it around, shall we?

We perform our best in light of the responsibilities given, conquer our fears, feel cherished and support in a relationship, and are driven by our aspirations... Glass is half full i guess

Anonymous said...

I agree with "leon". If you feel "burdened" it is still possible to break away, unless you have utterly no way of breaking away.

It's all up to you =)

Irony said...

You've been sounding really down recently. Hope everything is alright.