Monday, January 31, 2005

I Need A Man...

The other night as I was having drinks with Su, Wan and some of their friends at New Asia Bar, the topic of discussion swerved toward the issue of dumb but good looking men. Certain ex-boyfriends were mentioned as examples and everyone around the table nodded. (which was scary as it does appear that everyone knows everyone in Singapore)

In the end, I think it was agreed quite unanimously that as much as men wouldn't mind dating women with big breasts, neither do women. We don't mind vases. Bimbos or men with as much substance as amoebae. It just that it would probably stop at that. Dating. It would never progress into a relationship because there must be some form of intellectual connection necessary in order to go into the next step.

Once that was agreed by all. There was a sudden silence, which was broken by the statement made by A, " You know, I can't have man who is dumber than me. You know, I just wouldn't feel secure... " She explained that she doesn't require a man who is more academically inclined, just someone who has more general knowledge or street smarts.

That struck a chord with me for some reason.

You see, there lies the conundrum we know as women. The modern woman wants to feel dominated in some areas (if not there is no sense of security) but not in others. We men are expected to know the difference and to strike a balance. (How? That still defeats me.)

The conversation went along this track for awhile, and Su made a stunning conclusion.

You see, women pretend to be weak and fragile so that we men feel good about ourselves. We think we are in control, you know, doing the whole man thing of buying them drinks, opening doors et cetera, but actually they are the ones in control. Sheesh. As Gill Grissom said in one episode of CSI, in an S & M relationship, the submissives are the ones in control.

How true. Oh well, either way men look at it, we are screwed. (or as long as we are... haha)

Women, can't live with them, can't live without.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

God's Greatest Enemy is Logic

This was an acquaintance's newest MSN nick. When I read it, I felt a mixture of sardonic humour and incensed indignation on how stupid that line was. I mean whats the sense in that? Are you saying that just because you can't explain Genesis vs Darwinism, or explain why God allows 270,000 of His children to die in a wave and millions more to lose all that they had tolive in poverty and suffering for the next decade, that we should blindly "have faith" and believe in Him?

I've always believed myself to be a moderate. And no, I do not have anything against Christians in general, well, except fanatical morons like this fella here. How can anyone believe blind faith is good? I mean, haven't violent acts of terror in the name of Jihad, or mass suicides by Christian cults not taught you anything?

Logic is what keeps us alive. I mean, logic keeps us from putting into action our curiosity of what cyanide tastes like (though the one person who did try did scribble "S" in the last 3 seconds before he croaked). Logic also keeps us normal. You wouldn't wear a bikini to a cocktail party - thats logic. (unless you are Bai Ling)

Stupid blind faith and fanatical Christians. You know, the worse are Born-Again Christians. Logic is bad for you indeed. Dumb ass.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I have a new love. Its Lush 99.5FM. It plays chillout, jazz, bossanova. Gosh its been long overdue. But now that its here, its on 24-7. Its great to read the papers to, or to sleep to, or eat to... you get the idea...

Go hear it!


I just lost a post I spent half an hour typing. Damn. Not typing it again. But in a nutshell, its on the virtual war between Xiaxue and Fiona Xie. Its all over Blog World. Go Read It.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Talking to Myself

I realised that what I like about the Blog is that its as if I'm talking to myself. Sure, this sounds weird, cos there are two possibilities. Firstly, I'm lying, cos I'm actually telling some of my friends about this or secondly, I'm crazy, cos the only people who would talk to themselves are those with no friends or who have a split personality.

Well, I'm not lying, cos only really CLOSE friends know of this place. Oh, and my brothers too. People that I know won't judge me for my weaknesses. And secondly, I have friends, which leaves me with the stunning conclusion that I'm crazy.

On the bus, whilst I was half-asleep, I came to the conclusion that its highly possible. I've always suspected that I'm bi-polar - you know, happy one moment and suddenly grouchy the next. So much so that my ex-girlfriend R
gave me the nickname Grumpy Old Man (GOM). On our trips in Europe, I would for no rhyme nor reason go into GOM mode just because I was thirsty or if I needed to pee. As you would expect, this was the cause of many a disagreement. But she stood by me... till recently... sigh

Well, I'm digressing. Hence, back to the topic of talking to myself. Its not too far-fetched is it then? Since bi-polar disorder is a symptom of schizophrenia, I might have dual personalities and not know it!

Impossible! You may say. As any street counsellor or psychologist would tell you, recognition of the problem is the first sign that there is none. Well, I dunno. All I know is that recently, more and more I like spending time alone thinking and talking to myself. I guess if you look at it, its just an outlet - like talking to someone.

Oh well. Who knows.


I realise that I get epiphanies at the weirdest places and at the oddest times. So there I was, drifting in and out of conciousness on Bus 80 on the way home from Bugis. It was crowded, packed so much that people were standing 2 to an aisle. There was this weird smell in the air - you know, that sourish smell you only smell on buses. I knew I shouldn't be sleeping, cos I would risk resting my head on the shoulder of the Uncle next to me - but as I'm sure all of you have experienced before, you just can't help it.

So in and out I went. Noticed the cute chick standing next to me. Knew I should wake up and give her a smile but no - black again. I was fighting a losing battle with Sleep. "Can't miss my stop!" I told myself. But...


Somehow I started thinking in this state of semi-conciousness. The result? The posts that will follow this one. I realise that not only am i most philosophical when I'm half-asleep, being grouchy, depressed or intoxicated also spur me to think about things. Wonder if this happens to anyone else? That when one's mind is muddled, one thinks clearer?


Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Fresh into my foray of the world of Blog, I've just discovered the spellcheck function. You cannot imagine the relief it brought me. I've realised that after many years of MS Spellcheck, my spelling now is rubbish. I've realised my complete and utter dependency on THAT function. This must be part of MS' conspiracy to take over the World!Which according the the legions of conspiracy theorists online, is not that far-fetched an idea. Bill as the Spawn of Satan? His evil superpower must be to give a doe-eyed look and say, " You wouldn't hurt a geek with glasses, right? "
Oh well, so for the moment I'm safe. I won't embarrass myself with bad spelling in BlogWorld. Now, if only Google had a spellcheck as well...

The Resolve of a Lemming

I have the resolve of a lemming.

If someone had asked me a few months ago whether I would ever have a blog, I would have replied with a big fat NO, and perhaps a pepper the same reply with a few choice expletives. Perhaps its because I had a "friend" (to use that term very very loosely) who had decided to take the most intimate details of our relationship to the next step. And I don't mean in the bedroom. Much to my horror, she went on to publish EVERYTHING about us online including how I slept, what my room was like and what I had cooked for dinner that night. At first I didn't really mind it, cos I was given a nickname in her posts. That was until people starting finding out who she was talking about and then all of the sudden, random people would come up to me and say things like, "Eh, next time you cook chicken rice must ask me over ah?"
That had to stop.
Well, to complicate things further, even before I could put my foot down on the matter, she decided to end the "arrangement" that we had. No, we weren't formally going out. Its just that she would come over once in awhile for dinner and stuff... It was not right, and she was acting against Big J. Oh well. Then more horror. Imagine the posts after that. The poor victim. And I'm talking about me, not her.
But recently, I've decided that I've got way too much frustration and that the Blog is a good place to air it. My counsellor demostrated it to me with a balloon. She kept on blowing (no offence, folks) till it popped. She said that if I didn't find someone to talk to soon, I might just erupt.
Oh well, so here I am. In the world of Blog. Wish me luck. Into the Brave New World I go.

First Post

There is always a certain pressure of beginning any new project, journey or endeavour. I think the best way around it is to take the pressure of by way of an anti-climax. Hence.


Period. Haha. Now we can formally begin.