Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Public Service Message

We went up to a northernly neighbour with a penchant for keris-waving over the weekend.

On the highway back, we were stopped by a friendly neighbourhood highway cop. He said we had been speeding "10 km back", at "125 km/h".

Now, firstly, why chase us for 10 km before stopping us? And secondly, as a very law-abiding citizen who respects the laws of our neighbours, we never speed. (hurhur...)

And so we challenged him. And said we were not speeding. Show us some proof.

From his aloof attitude a few secs ago, he became friendly, and waved us off with a "warning".

Public Service Message:

"Unless you get stopped at a road block and know you have been speeding, don't even bother giving a bribe. Challenge them for proof and they should back away."

1 comment:

WokMan (TM) said...

yeah man
stand up to corruption!