Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I Rant

So, in today's Mind You Body Section of the Newspaper, some guy writes in and is totally clueless on how to have sex.

Yep, you heard me right. In this day and age, this guy is totally lost and is probably worried about sticking it in the wrong h*le.

2 virgins getting married. Thats something I haven't heard in a long time. But perhaps its just the circles I hang around in... (haha... no offence, guys)

Anyway, so this guy goes on to ask about whether he should pull his foreskin back before putting it in... what positions to use...

My mind went into overdrive and I immediately thought of a few things.

1. Aww, cmon! It comes naturally. Even in the animal kingdom, mother chimps teach their young how to find food, but do not have to teach its young how to f*ck. Chill. Relax, and do what comes naturally.

2. I think he is symptomatic of the society we live in now. The one where people think that everything can be read up, studied academically. People don't want to risk failure and hence prep-to-max before any event. Everyone wants to score (pardon the pun) full marks. What happened to risk taking? To wing it and see what happens? Sigh... sad.

3. Which hole did this guy crawl out from? Where have you been this millenia?

4. I noticed he did not ask about the use of protection. Either our safe sex campaigns have been really successful and he is in the know (knows about protection, does not know how to have sex - irony) or he intends to be a father real soon, or he is Catholic and hence protection is outta question.

5. He assumes his wife doesn't know how to either. Eh, women read Cosmo, Her World, which are much more educational than the FHM that men buy, ok. Who knows, your wife-to-be might know leh, talk to her lah.

6. Actually must applaud him lah. Not shy, can write to National Newspaper to ask how to have sex. The consultant referred him to the Karma Sutra.... haha...

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