Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Storm Warriors

So we watched the sequel of Storm Warriors. There are a lot of spoilers in this review, so avert your eyes if you haven't seen it.

The movie is for fanboys. Why? Too many gaps in the plot which you would only have known if you've read the comic. I mean, why did Demon Wind take the dragon bone? Where the heck did Nicholas Tse's character disappear to after that?

There seemed to be 2 parts to the movie. One, where the whole focus was to kill Godless, and the latter, where Cloud had to stop Wind from remaining a demon. I liked the first one better. It was like a typical movie, build up all the way to the crest and then, viola, done. You walk out smiling and satiated.

Not this one. Yes, the 2 boys went to improve themselves to fight Godless, which was dramatic and they whom they killed. Then they go into this drama-mama weepy set where Wind keeps his lame makeup on and growls and snarls at everyone because he is possessed. Tip for directors, don't have more than one orgasm per movie. The second one is always not as good as the first one. I mean, fight scene with Godless was dramatic, fight scene btw Wind and Cloud, yawn.

Gf said that there was not as much variety in this one. What she meant to say was that the romance in this one was secondary, and non-essential to the plot. U ask yourself, why the hell u have it if you aint going to play it up. Honestly, bro-love was enough, u didnt need to have Charlene Choi go all weepy.

As far as CGI went, this sequel is 11 years after the first. It hasn't caught up to match the first one.

The soundtrack was also not as memorable as the former.

What we did like were the comic book like sequences. Like it was there to remind you of the roots of the movie.

Overall, it was entertaining but nothing fantastic.


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