Friday, May 23, 2008

National Family Day!

Its the inaugural Family Day Out tomorrow as part of the National Family Day celebrations!

Many places are having discounts for family-based activities, so quick, take the opportunity to spend some quality time with your family at a discount!

Thanks to the organisers of NFD, my family and I are going onto the Singapore Flyer for free!!! Woopeedeedoo!

Tonight, by the way, is Eat with Your Family Day. So go home early, and have makan with your family!


Chris The Baker said...

So how was the most boring 35minutes of your life like in the Sg Flyer?? (Or so I've heard from everyone's whose gone on it so far....)

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Actually it was quite ok. I guess it depends on the mood of the people you are taking it with. I took it with several very excited parents, uncles and my gf!

So it was quite fun. =)