Thursday, September 21, 2006


A selection of a few random thoughts that went through my head yesterday...

1. There are 14 weeks left in the year 2006. I have 14 days of leave remaining. Shall I take one day a week off for the rest of the year? Effectively giving me a 4-day work week? Wonder if my boss will flip.

2. I need to sleep earlier. Did you know that half of all Singaporeans sleep past midnight? Did you know that the lack of sleep is a cause of obesity as it messes up hormones controlling metabolism and hunger supression? I blame my weight gain on the lack of sleep. =P

3. You always know when people are buying dinner for one. And I think its quite sad. I was standing in the supermarket queue behind this lady last evening. She was about 40, nicely groomed and fair. She bought 6 small Neu potatoes and a value pack of cocktail sausages. Definately dinner for one. The sight brought back memories of when I was in college. Cooking and dining for one was always depressing. But what choice did we have? If we buy stuff in family sized packs, they tend to spoil before we even get to the last piece.

4. Why do bald men carry combs? Saw this on an Indian man in the bus on the way home. And its not a normal comb mind you. Its one of those Ah-Beng long handle combs. Baffling.


Anonymous said...

Answer to 4.

Chest hair comb. :D

Rambling Alcoholic said...
