Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Things I did over the weekend

The stuff I did over the weekend include:

1. Going to a colleague's house for a get-together - it was near the office, bleargh.

2. Scratching my brother's car on my first drive out - thats gonna cost me.

3. Heading to the massive, hot, sweaty, and unfruitful Wing Tai sale - had to fight off aunties and foreign nationals buying for wholesale.

4. Helping my little Pri 5 cousin set up his blog. - Nowadays ah, Pri 5 students also very advanced. Want to set up blog. Ever wondered what ranks as important in the mind of a 11 year old? Read his blog. Haha.

1 comment:

Rambling Alcoholic said...

His blog is www.coolb12.blogspot.com