Friday, March 07, 2008


At the quality of some of the teachers today.

Utter lack of commitment, too busy chasing their KPIs at the detriment to the welfare of the students, sitting in their ivory towers raining down torrents of demoralising words...

I have friends who are good teachers.

Am just disappointed in the few I have encountered in recent times.

Being a teacher is not JUST a job, it is a responsibility to your wards and the moulding of the minds of the leaders of the future. It takes a lot of heart, patience and resilience in the face of adversity to be a good teacher.

If you cannot stomach it, then please, for the sake of society, quit.

I know I cannot be a good teacher. But I'm sure there are those out there who can.

Am very very very very very disappointed.

1 comment:

Irony said...

As a soon to b teacher myself, I can't help but worry about our future as well.. Even the teachers that teach us at this moment in time... well, I shan't go into the details.. Trust me, you should worry about the future of your children.. Teachers-to-be these days are more concerned about wanting to make the grades and get the golds and have somehow forgotten (or choose to forget) about those who are lagging behind ..