Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hope, Faith and Love

I wrote about this earlier in the year.

Then, it was about reaching out to your fellow man, to show some concern to those who think they have no one else who cares, and to make a difference to their day and for a brief moment, take the bitterness away from their tired lives.

I'm writing on this title today with regards to relationships.

I think sometimes, in order to make a relationship work, its about having hope, that somethings may/have/will change.

To have faith and trust in your partner.

And of course, to love him/her whole-heartedly.

I hope this message rings out to at least one of my readers. Because in recent weeks, I have realised how I have failed in all fronts. Much to my great regret.

And so now, I am this fool, hoping for a call to come... although I don't believe it will.

1 comment:

3739 said...

I think there is a part in our life to really go deeper, helping our friends to achieve comfort in their lives. But sometimes, they're the one's who get easily irritated and turn to other wrong people for help.

A very nice blog you have here. Hoping for more interesting posts about your life.

Please visit mine.