Wednesday, October 24, 2007


We all make many choices throughout the day.

Most are small and don't matter. Be it what to wear today, what letters to place on the scrabble board or what to eat for lunch.

And then there are those which could seriously affect your own life, or the lives of people around you.

I have made some bad choices in life. As much as I tell myself that I should not regret making them, that is, had I been placed in the identical situation today, I would have made the same call... there are those which I shall hold myself responsible for the rest of my life.

I've been watching My Name is Earl. In fact, I've almost completed 2 seasons worth in 2 weeks.

There are some episodes where the protagonist realises that some of the bad things he did actually helped make the affected the party better (change in life, making them a better person etc)

So, if you believe that our lives are written in a book somewhere somehow when we were conceived, I cannot help but think...

Does everything happen for a reason?

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