Thursday, May 11, 2006

Not Sure Whether I've Blogged About This Before

XXX, 23, Model

YYY, 28, Entreprenuer

ZZZ, 27, Writer / Educator

In reality...

XXX, 23, I've got a pretty face, a thin body and sometimes I get to model clothes for in-house shows.

YYY, 28, I've either come from a wealthy family and who can bank roll my yet to be discovered business venture, or I've already put some money into a pub where I'm a silent partner.

ZZZ, 27, Day in day out I send columns to newspapers, magazines, catalogues in the hope they use them and I get paid $300. In the meantime, I give tution. Or I claim to be a full-time blogger, although I know that it doesn't pay the bills and I still have to take $$$ from Mommy sometimes.

In this day and age, there seem to be quite a number of Singaporeans these days who wear their unemployment / underemployment like a badge of honour. Or perhaps they are in denial?
Giving themselves fancy titles to show their importance... so that they would not be embarrassed in front of their bankers, brokers, dealers, accountant, lawyer, doctor friends?

Don't get me wrong. There are truly good serial entrepreneurs I know, who have loads of business ideas and start businesses, burn 14 hours a day, then sell the business and move on to new ventures in 3-5 years. There are also fulltime writers like Alfian Sa'at who are constantly busy and if you can catch him to write for you, you are damn lucky.

But generally...

Am I wrong?

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