Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Of Late...

1. Work is becoming political. Me no likeee...

2. This blog has been around for almost 1.5 years. Many of the bloggers I started out reading have either moved, locked up, or just stopped blogging altogether. Updating my links is becoming an on-going affair. Plus, I constantly need to find new reads.

3. Blogs are a funny place... You never know who you'd meet. Was just reading one and the writer discovered a long lost friend through blogs. The world is scarily small. I should know, I almost dated a cousin (hey, I didn't know she was a cousin lah!). Haha.

4. Realised the virtures of simplicity in life. I've always gone by the mantra that "information is ammunition" But of late, I've been thinking... sometimes its better not to know things, and to live life simply.

5. Like the other people around me, its Spring. Time to change.

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