Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Picture taken at the foot of my office block. Why in the world would they put a chain infront of a handicapped lot? Wouldn't it make it harder for them to use the lot? They would have to get out, get into their wheelchair, clear the chain, get back into the car before parking.

Really senseless you know.

This is a clear example of having the shape but not the form of handicap access. Have the lot (legal requirement), but its really hard to use.



-ben said...

Putting a chain across the entrance to the lot is probably illegal as well.

The thing is, until society changes such that social pressure shames those who flaunt the rules (providers and users), the law is a very blunt instrument. To (mis)use a quote, legislating morality is like performing surgery with a chainsaw.

Over here, the likelihood of able-bodied people blatantly parking in handicapped lots is lower. No doubt due to fines in excess of US$500 if you are caught (and people do call for enforcement).

However, while the system may be enforced, tricking the system is easy. It takes very little to get a handicapped parking pass. All you need is a doctor's note stating that you experience limited mobility due to physical condition, occasional or otherwise. Hell, even I can get one (I have torn ACLs in both knees). That gives you an idea.

Anonymous said...

The picture looks like you can just ram the chain slowly without causing any damage to your car. So why not do that. They're not in the position to complain, after all.

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Erm, anon. Do you drive at all? Or maybe understand that even if you slowly back into the chain, the poles would fall inwards and under the tyres - damaging both the car and private property (the poles).

In anycase, that is not important. Why should they be subject to this inconvenience? Even if you are one of those unfeeling people who do not believe in molly-collying of the underpriviledged in society, shouldn't all be granted equal rights?


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a Journalist for a local newspaper and I think this is definitely an interesting topic - where is your office block and know anywhere else where this happens? Would really help thanks!
- J.

Pkchukiss said...

This isn't the only manifestation of inconsideration that our society is so capable of.

Take a look at the locked toilets for the handicapped, and you will realise the extent of the problem...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I am a journalist for a local newspaper and I do think that an article should be written about this - maybe this will put an end to such occurances? Where did this happen? And do you know of any other carparks that do this? - do email me at limjess@sph.com.sg or at jessicaslim@gmail.com - emailing me at both accounts would be good. thanks! appreciate this.

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Hey guys, journos scouring Tomorrow for the next article probably in the Sunday Plus.

Shall we help them?

Bring this issue to light? Hasn't it already been beaten to death? (after the Xiaxue and her disabled toilet incident) Has raising any issues in the papers been effective?

Lets discuss and decide. Keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

there are other idiot examples....

ive seen ramps in some shopping centres that lead to stairs...
or how about a handicap toilet in a normal toilet, which is only accesable from stairs,....(queensway shopping centre)
another one is a taxi stand that is completely sheltered from the rain, except for the part with the ramp for wheelchairs...

theese are just a a few...

Anonymous said...

if i were to be a handicap and trapped in such a situation, i'll blast my horn continously till an annoyed security guard come and help to remove the stupid chain.. *evil laugh*

Anonymous said...

I think we singaporean has a lot to learn. Both as a nation and as individuals. Many a times, we lack the emphaty for others and are very much self centered. Tis may have its roots from our forefathers, who came here to this little island to make a living and seek out the greener pastures. but now, as we become a nation, we must evolve.

I think the government has layed the ground work well, looking forward and trying to create the environment for us to nature, but the rest of it is up to us. and how we influence and coach our childern. Teaching them about compassion and the etical ways of life.

Such ironic observations are evident everywhere. Youtake the train, you see old people standing while the young and able sitting on the "disabled" seat, pretending to be sleeping. Likewise on the bus. Drivers who "brave" the no car lanes etc. All speaks for itself.

So how!? you may ask!

MrBrown said sometime ago, it starts now..... I say, it starts with us!

Sign off:
somewhere in the world...

Anonymous said...

this would be just one of the many i have experienced while out w my bf who's a handicap.

Many Singaporeans plainly do not have the consideration for others n would only regard their own convenience as top priority. Even if there isnt a chain to hinder the parking convenience for handicapped drivers, there were many instances that able-bodied drivers just conveniently parked in these lots, especially on weekends in crowded shopping centres.

Enforcement of penalty? None i have seen so far. Even in HDB carparks, we have to called up umpteen times to get people down to issue a summon for parking illegally in the lots.

I've been to Australia for a long stay n things were definitely much more handicap friendly - facilities n people alike.

Singapore.. way long to go.