Monday, November 03, 2008


I believe that analogies help describe one's situation a lot better. It is an excursion away from the topic, but describes the topic in a way the listener can relate or empathise.

As such, I'm a big fan of using analogies. I try to make them witty, relevant and in some cases, cryptic.

One thought has been stuck in my head all weekend.

That although that Ferrari looked like all I wanted, I shouldn't have bought it without the engine. No matter how good or ideal the car looked, it was the engine which was the most important part. And when there is no point having the chassis, without the engine.

Self-rationalisation. It is a good step towards recovery.

1 comment:

yanny said...

hmmm...if i understood it right, that sounds quite...elitist? :(

i think before you bought the ferrari, you probably brought it out for a test drive, and thought the lack of engine (or perhaps a non-ferrari engine) was sufficient for your needs...but needs change and it's good you realize what you want now :)