Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cross Border Volleyball

How does one play volleyball when you opponents are in a different country? Play online? Nope.

Read more here.

Miss Scarlett

I've seen the Prestige, and its good. Seen Scoop, and Woody Allen is an amazing director. Black Dahlia this weekend anyone?

Interesting Jewellery

I Hate Snakes

I hate snakes.

Not the slimy ones that crawl on the ground and eat mice.

But the ones that reside in your office, slimy because they have no integrity and lie about work, poisonous because they are play politics in front of the boss and reptiles, cos they are cold blooded and feel no remorse for smiling and laughing with you one moment and backstabbing you the next.
Don't we all hate snakes?

Other than those, the ones featured on the Animal Planet are actually quite amazing creatures.

Where's Saint Patrick when you need him? Haha...

Natalie Portman as Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Nothing like Hewitt to brighten up you day

What is the World Coming To?

I'm disturbed.

Been reading some blogs during my lunch break (nothing else to do except read blogs whilst wolfing down my lunch at my desk) and I've come across at least 3 examples of what I hope is not a sign of society's demise.

Women who live off men and are proud of it.

They are intelligent adults who may or may not hold day jobs, write well, who serially date mostly white men or rich second-generation bosses (some who are married), allow men to use their bodies as they enjoy sex as much as the men, and are proud of the gifts of cash and luxury items bestowed upon them by their mark.

What is the world coming to? Admittedly, these women look good. But where is the pride? Love of self and their body?

And more importantly. And why cheapen themselves and ruin families at the same time?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Funny Sign

Why misunderstandings happen

Phone Observations

Some observations about the mobile phone.

1. The Nokia 3230 is water-proof. I accidentaly dropped mine into a pail a water on Sunday. It dried out and works on Monday!

2. Construction workers have more advanced phones than I do. I was in the train last night and saw this Bangladeshi worker using a 6280.

3. I'm now torn between getting a Sony Ericcson 990i and a Dopod 838 Pro. Dopod Runs on Windows and Sony runs on Symbian, which is known to be less stable. And apparently, Windows being Windows (BIG), more people write 3rd party software for it. The qwerty buttons on the Sony are for use with fingernails only.

I want a new phone. But which one?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

Nature's Wrath

At a thousand times hotter than the surface of the sun, the closest photo of a lighning strike ever taken. The photographer was flung 20M into a wall.

We are all Mad

The ups and downs of my moods.

Wake up at 7 to go to work: DOWN

Reach empty office, got time to grab a cuppa coffee: UP

Receive email from friend who is down: DOWN

Rush to prepare for meeting: DOWN

STUPID meeting: DOWN

Mom's home cooked food for lunch: UP


Younger brother leaving for school again: DOWN

Its Official. Too much Porn is Bad for your Eyes!

What is the Upside to Blogging?

Having blogged for some time now, I've come to realise that blogging has become a dangerous activity of sorts. Let me explain.

1. The Sunday papers once again questioned the moral dilemma of teachers blogging. The debate revolves around what they write, and what would happen if a student of their's stumble upon their blog? What if a teacher posts a photo of him/her having a good time in a club, drink in one hand, and a ciggie in another? We've all heard of people getting fired for blogging about work. But where do the lines of personal space and professionalism start and stop?

2. Apparently, the person who started the 400 (or was it 4,000) Frowns campaign to counter the STB's 4 million smiles was "called in for questioning". It just goes to show the Big Brother is really taking a looking glass to blogs now. Even our PM has said that the government would try to reach out through blogging. Scary. You know what that means. Some government department would be set up just to monitor our cyberspace. With summons and arresting officers on the ready.

3. Some of us write cryptic posts in a bid to disguise what we actually want to say. At some level, the writer definately hopes that the person he/she is writing about would read the post and go... "Is he writing about me?" and perhaps feel react emotionally (be it in pity, rage, lust etc). But in my opinion, more often than not, there is just a sense of nonchalence, or self-denial that it is not about "me". And the effect is lost.

4. You know how people date other bloggers. What happens when they break up? Its harsh, but a fact of life. Getting over someone is never easy. Getting over someone when he/she posts lovey-dovey pictures of the person-after-you is even harder. Can you consider your ex insensitive? Not really, as the common refrain of "Its my cake and I want to eat it my way" comes about. But really, from experience, it stings like mad.

5. What about the flame wars that come about whenever someone writes a post that is controversial, even if there was no intention to be? Like Mr Brown posting pictures of Miyagi and himself attending the ACS OBA dinner. People came on and starting shooting down ACS old boys. Whats the point in that? Blogging, chat groups, newsrooms have made it all too easy for someone to shoot something off their hip. Its vindictive, and it hurts people.

6. And the list goes on.

The best way to circumvent all these has been said many a time. Self-censorship. But I think if one has to censor his blog from so many angles, why bother to write at all? If the reason we write is to express ourselves, self-censorship is the kryptonite to expression. This all leads me to think, why am I still doing this?

What is the upside, if any, to blogging?