Saturday, April 09, 2005

West Wing

I love The West Wing. I love it for giving a glimpse into the life in the White House. I love it for its energy and tension. I love it for Martin Shee's brilliant potrayal of the POTUS. And most importantly, I love the way it makes me feel stupid. Sure I don't understand all of the politics on the show, neither am I able to catch all the dialogue because sometimes its so fast its a blur. But there is something special about the show, about how the characters think, and try to stay one step ahead of their political or physical opponents. That I like.

Now why does MediaCork have to show it at such an unearthly hour? Nebermind. Can BT. Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Tetanus said...

I second that. 'The West Wing' features one of the best writings on TV ever, and what does MediaCorp do? They f***ing put 'Police and Thief' on prime time.