Thursday, April 07, 2005

Memories of Being Jack

My neighbour recently acquired a Jack Russell Terrier. They leave it to run the backyard, which as alright as it sounds, is actually not. JRTs require a lot of human contact and attention, they are more like living room dogs then yard dogs. So everytime my neighbour comes down to the backyard, the dog leaps into her arms, only to be told, "No! No jumping."

Oh well, thats a dog's life for you.

Seeing how JRT jumped everytime my neighbour appeared reminded me of the time when I was living with my Ex in University. Whenever I heard the key in the door, I would leap out of my seat, drop whatever I was doing and run to it. When she appears in the doorway, usually cold and red-faced due to the many things she would inevitably be carrying, I would take the things off her, her coat and then always, lift her up and twirl her around the room. I was that happy to see her.

Oh well, sometimes memories are all you can take with you... Its better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all. Right?

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