Monday, October 17, 2005

Same ol me

Over the weekend, I was pensive. About mortality, about friends, about the ones I love, and about me.

I've come to the realisation that as much as I think that I am different, that I have changed somewhat over the years, I am still me.

Same old me.

The wallflower at the parties. The grumpy one at home. The quiet one in a crowd.



Rambling Alcoholic said...

Thanks. But I'm not sure who I am anymore. And thats not very good, aint it?

Oh well.

Monday. Bleargh.

BeeNuts said...

I am never sure who I am most of the times too. I just continue to live, without knowing.

Titania said...

why would you want to be different?

i too feel sometimes i have changed (or hoped that the environment has); but with the recent blowup, it feels like im still 17