Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Island

I was at Junction 8 last night watching The Island. For awhile, I was worried that I'd not find anyone to watch it with. It was one of those movies with trailers that make you NOT want to catch it. However, good reviews online and people waxing lyrical about Scarlett and Ewan the plot whetted my appetite. I was worried that I'd had no one to watch it with because my buddy Ed, whom I always catch movies with has already upped and left for Aussieland. And my other usual partner, well...

Anyway, fortunately, someone had the same "pin in the backside" as me and did not mind watching a late nighter. The movie was good, plot was fast and exciting, cinematography was one of the better for an action movie...

You should go catch it. And oh, does anyone want to watch Fantastic 4 with me? Posted by Picasa


sa said...

it's weird to read about something that has happened to yourself personally...especially written so well by others.. =)

well..i guess for relationships on the whole, once a couple doesnt quite see in the same direction anymore, there isnt much to hang on to. Once this becomes a realization, we look at the relationship differently..we will then not feel the same way we did. =)

Cookie said...

hey... didn't someone offer to watch Fantastic 4 with you? *hmmmmm*

Rambling Alcoholic said...

Well, in some cases, its a unilateral decision, so it hurts the one who the decision was made without.

Rambling Alcoholic said...

And, to answer the question. Wallflower was using my words. Words that I have shared with you too.