Monday, May 30, 2005

Dora's Wedding

This weekend was all about Dora. And her wedding to Aaron. She's a classmate from JC and the first of our posse to walk down the aisle. The rest will soon follow. Sorry Gentlemen, most of the girls in this picture are spoken for already. Tough luck.

Anyway, attending the wedding was a very surreal experience. I mean, she is the first of my close friends to get hitched. Which could explain why I am in a state of disbelief. Jo's next, then YJ, and then perhaps Chris and ChernWei... Its surreal also cos its like everyone's growing up, and perhaps in a few years, we would not be meeting in clubs anymore, but rather at Sixth Avenue CoffeeBean on a Sunday afternoon after church, with kids in tow.

I've also realised the sheer number of people one needs to organise a wedding. The event coordinator, the ushers, the music and sound people, etc. A lot. I'm worried I don't have enough 'good friends' to help me with it. Aaron's church literally mobilised itself to run his show. So it was all good. I'm also worried that because most of my friends are women, I wouldn't have enough 'brothers' to do the challenges at the bride's door with. Completely irrational I know... And completely pointless to worry about it now.

Anyway, we stayed on in the couple's hotel room till late. Nao Dong Fang lah. And to have a few drinks. Hope we didn't get them too tired to do the necessary. *snigger*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey... girls can also help barrage although it's against tradition. Just give me a mallet.. :D

But at worst... can just hire some help. OK, I'm not really helping now am i?