Monday, October 05, 2009


Caught this movie over the weekend. Its a remake of the original film and from what I can see, adapted from Broadway version of the film.

The plot is not complex. Naysayers will complain that the movie was too predictable, having too many characters which led to none being developed fully, and in fact, a little confusing because some of them really look alike!

But I disagree.

The writing was excellent, especially in the opening sequence where musical scenes were spliced all so appropriately.

The director had a great eye for panning the camera angles in the dance sequence above and throughout the rest of the movie.

The soundtrack. Awesome.

And the best part is that instead of griping about the lack of plot / character development, what I liked about the movie was that it was all about raw emotions. And it came fast and furious through the various characters. There was nary a moment of pause, or if you felt the movie was just hanging.

All in all. I give this movie a 9 / 10. Please please go watch it.

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