Friday, October 17, 2008

Malaysian Cops

As a continuation to my earlier post about the state of the police Malaysia...

Today, we learn something new.

That cops there are moving their station because the area is "potentially unsafe".

So what have we learnt today, kids?

1. That cops are corrupt.

2. That they are scared of crooks.

In conclusion, we beg to ask. Why are the taxpayers paying them for?


Qween said...

Singaporeans, who DO NOT pay tax in Malaysia, should NOT ask this question. Malaysians, on the other hand, who DO pay tax in Singapore,and still must be subject to traffic jams, ERP, and bear with the inefficiencies of the forces... also never ask pay tax for what...

Rambling Alcoholic said...

It appears I have stirred the patriot in the Qween.

Just food for thought Qween, why so defensive of your "motherland"?... oh wait... they think you are migrants and want to bathe the streets with your blood if you challenge bumi rights. =P