Sunday, October 12, 2008

Getting into the groove

It will take awhile, but I guess there is no choice...

Life as a single person takes a bit of getting used to. Well, in my case, that's perhaps cos I was married for 2.5 years. Heh.

Its ironic that I used to like having my own time... little did I realise that I liked to have my own time, but have the immediate option of doing something else with someone I'm comfortable with.

As CPL said to me on Friday night. It will take awhile, but I'll get there. To be happy being alone, that is. =)


WokMan (TM) said...

you are not alone bro. i'm sure there are ppl out there who cares.

remember it is a choice we make and not because we are forced to by circumstance

take time to find the One to walk with you all the way. Be it a month, a year or a lifetime.

清, just 清 said...

Take it from me, stuff meaningless platitudes and childish optimism and get a cat. All the world's problems seem very small indeed when you have a purring kitten in your arms. Then, when you've found your balance, what happens, happens.

vic said...

it'll take some time, but we'll get there. eventually. be good to yourself.