Monday, November 26, 2007

The Visit from a Dear Friend

The Warden of my hall in University, where I spent 3 fun-filled years is down in the “Far East” (or so he calls S.E Asia) for a few weeks as he attends and is the best man for a few of his ex-student’s weddings.

Over the years, we have become very close, and he is a very dear friend of mine. We have not seen each other since my graduation in 2004, and so when I saw him last week, it was a long awaited meeting.

We caught up with the lives of each other, reminisced about the past, spoke of the University, discussed random topics such as the systems of education… it was just like to good old days, and it was refreshing, as if not a day had passed since we last met.

That’s the thing with good friends. Where time, distance does not matter. As long as the affection and respect for each other exists.

I’m thankful, I have friends like these.

But other times, I wonder if that’s enough for me…

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