Friday, November 04, 2005


I think Singaporeans (and yes I do possess a pink I/C) are a damn stupid bunch.

On one hand we complain that Singapore is too legislated a country. Too controlled. Stifles creativity. Big Brother is always watching...

On the other hand, we have idiots who call to legislate more shite. Things like High Intensity Discharge lamps, rude shoppers, handicapped toilet abusers... Why can't we, as a 'civilised' society take things into our own hands and just control ourselves based on our consciences, values or moral standards?

Stop spitting on the road not because you might get slapped with a $500 fine. Stop spitting because you hate stepping onto spit (and risk slipping and breaking your head) and so control yourself so that no one steps onto yours.

Don't do unto others, what you do not want others to do to you.

Why can't Singaporeans understand such a simple principle? Or are we too Asian still? Asians who live in a selfish, dog-eat-dog society, driven by self-preservation and ignorance of the world around us?


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